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CACP Executive Global Studies Program

CACP Global 2016

The 2016 program will commence on January 8, 2016, and registrations are now open. On November 18, 2015, the CACP Board of Directors considered and approved the research focus for the 2016 cohort. A brief overview of the study theme follows below:

What Happens There Matters Here … But How?

The Impacts of Globalization on Canadian Policing

The first part of this caption reflects a phrase that has been adopted by the CACP International Committee to frame the impacts of a globalized society on Canadian communities. We know that the world has increasingly come to our doorstep over the past generation, both in real human terms due to patterns of migration, but also in terms of global economics and trade, geo-politics, widening socio-economic gaps and resulting tensions, and the rapidly increasing effects of information and communications technologies and social media trends. We also know that globalization has dramatically changed the sources, the nature and the potential degree of harm of threats to community safety and public order in all Canadian jurisdictions.

What we know to a much lesser degree is how these changes are shifting the demand patterns that drive the entire business of policing, the degree to which police legitimacy is being reshaped in the eyes of a changing public with differing traditions and expectations, and, the degree to which Canadian police leaders are prepared to guide their organizations into new ways of responding to these new realities.

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